STEKOM University Emblem, Logo, Motto

STEKOM University Emblem

The meaning of the symbol of STEKOM University is as follows:

1. The symbol of STEKOM University in the form of a circular shield symbolizes that STEKOM University can be a protector against ignorance and poverty.

2. The globe and lightning are symbols that Computer Technology is a technology that is very rapidly and rapidly progressing, like a flash of lightning that is able to illuminate the world in today's era of globalization and technology.

3. Yellow is a symbol of intelligence and blue is a symbol of loyalty, meaning that every academic community who studies or teaches at STEKOM University is a person who is intelligent, and who has the loyalty to uphold the name of his alma mater.

STEKOM University Logo

The logo displays the symbol and name of STEKOM University, at the bottom there is a motto: Lectures are Fun!

This means that STEKOM University makes people smarter and that intelligence can improve the community's economy. STEKOM University makes people master science and technology (IPTEK) which always follows technological developments in today's era of globalization. Every academic community who learns and teaches at STEKOM University is a personal figure who is active, interactive, innovative, inspiring, fun, effective and motivated by the motto "lecturing is fun".