
Guest Lecturer with Zaporizhzhia National University with Faculty of Business and Engineering (Ukraine)

Guest Lecturer with Zaporizhzhia National University with Faculty of Business and Engineering (Ukraine)

Event Date : 22, 24, 25, 26 November 2021 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Place :  Zoom Meeting

Time : 02.00 P.M - 04.00 P.M

STEKOM University had collaboration with Zaporizhzhia National University in Ukraine. The collaboration was "Visiting Lecture". It was held by online via Zoom Meeting. This event was held four days, Monday until Friday from 22 - 26 November 2021 at 02.00 P.M in Indonesia Time.

There were three (3) speakers in this event. The first day we have speaker from Business Faculty was 1. Damir Bikulov as Doctor of Public Administration, Professor with topic "Transformation of Export Flows in the Context of Global Food Crisis"

And the second and third day we have speaker from Engineering Faculty was 2. Serhi Choporov as Doctor of  Technical Science Professor with topic "Neural Networks in Mechanica" in Wednesday and continue in Thursday with topic "R-Functions in Geometric Modelling"

And the last day (Friday) we have speaker from Engineering Faculty also was 3. Serhi Korinnyi (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor) with topic "Ukrainan Railways Engineering Enterprises Transformation Amid Transport Infrastructure Reform"

The presentation also has Question and Answer session by speaker from Zaporizhzhia National University. This event attended by Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso as Rector from STEKOM University and also Mr. Ahmad Zaenuri as Head Department of Entrepremeursip from STEKOM University gave an opening speech in this event and continue in last day with Mr. Wibi Ardi Alvianto gave an opening speech. The moderator was Ms. Anggi Novita Sari as International Affairs from STEKOM University.

The lecturer conveyed the material for four hours and continued with Question and Answer session with all students and all audience

Day 1 : 

Day 2 & 3 :

Day 4 :

Author : Anggi Novita Sari