
Webinar International with Topic “The Do’s and Don’ts When Building a Digital Culinary Business”

Webinar International with Topic “The Do’s and Don’ts When Building a Digital Culinary Business”

STEKOM University had collaboration with Zaporizhzhia National University (Ukraine) and DMI-St John the Baptist University (Malawi). The collaboration was webinar international with topic “The Do’s and Don’ts When Building a Digital Culinary Business”

In this webinar we will learn material about how to build a business in digital and how to make the culinary business that we create can develop and progress and in the webinar we will be taught how to start a culinary business and some tips to beat competitors because what we know in Indonesia There are many competitors in the business world.

And what is special about this event is Mrs. Alina Osaul also explained about their project in collaboration with the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine and explained about cultural tourism in Ukraine.

NTO Ukraine, The National Tourism Organization of Ukraine was established to implement the provisions of the Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Development of Ukraine as a non-profit and non-governmental organization to comprehensively consolidate business, government and citizens in order to address various problems of national tourism in Ukraine.

This link if you're curious what's in Ukraine :

There were four speakers in this event. In this event have a opening speech by Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso as Rector from STEKOM University and continue by first presentation was Mrs. Natalia Venherska PhD (Professor of International Economics, Natural Resources and International Tourism Economics Department) and Mrs. Alina Osaul (Master of International Business, Senior Lecturer of International Economics, Natural Resources and International Tourism Economics Department) from Zaporizhzhia National University (Ukraine). And the second presentation was Ms. Agness Mosanda (Head of Management Department) from DMI-St John the Baptist University (Malawi). In the last presentation was Mrs. Santi Widiastuti ST, MT. (Lecturer Graphic Design) from STEKOM University.

The webinar international event had Q&A session by all speakers and all speakers conveyed the material for three hour and continued with Q&A (Question and Answer session) with all students from STEKOM University, Zaporizhzhia National University and DMI-St John the Baptist University.

Link for wanna see about this webinar : 

Writer or author : Anggi Novita Sari